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We help law firms overcome barriers to growth.

Talk To Us

"A law firm's monthly case sign-ups are closely connected to its intake processes."

Yani Smith, Founder

Intake Optimization Experts 

We blend proven systems with the personalized guidance and accountability of a dedicated mentor to empower your intake teams and to drive growth for your law firm.

See how we can help

Solutions for a more predictable and profitable law firm.

Technical Implementation

From setup to automation, integrations, and workflows, we handle it all to match your unique needs.

Quality Control

Ensure precise lead and interaction management, minimizing case loss to competitors.

Intake Processes

Eliminate inefficiencies in signup, follow-up, and CRM usage, ensuring you secure more cases.


Access comprehensive reporting on lead sources and conversions, empowering you to make informed decisions that drive growth and revenue.

Intake Training

Empower your intake team with our accountability and 1:1 coaching to address opportunities supported by lead & call monitoring.


Our support and expertise ensure your law firm achieves unprecedented success, even in the face of uncertainty.

Trusted By

Lead Docket Implementation Legal Intake Pros
Filevine Legal Intake Pros
Lead Docket Implementation Legal Intake Pros
Filevine Legal Intake Pros
Legal Intake Pros Law Firm Intake Optimization

Increase signed cases.

This is your path to sustained growth and an empowered intake team.

With a wealth of experience as seasoned law firm veterans, we understand the intricate challenges of working on your firm when you're so busy working in the firm.

That is why we take on all the heavy lifting to help you create a profitable and predictable law firm.

Find Out How

How to Work with Us

Intake Audit for Law Firms

Discovery & Assessment

Dive deep into your firm's marketing and intake operations during our collaborative discussion.

Intake Trial Audits by Legal Intake Pros

Intake Trial Audit

Assess your firm's intake operations with a comprehensive audit and competitive analysis.

Tailored Solutions by Legal Intake Pros

Tailored Solutions

Personalized intake optimization plan for your firm's success.

Get In Touch